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Tips for a happy transition:

  • Do what serves you and brings you joy 
  • Start lifting heavy weights 
  • Balance your blood sugars 
  • Understand your hormones


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What’s to like about the menopause? Well, plenty according to Mamma's practitioners: wisdom and a greater of sense of who you are; being comfortable in your own skin, emotional stability and release from the hormonal rollercoaster of the menstrual cycle. These sunny uplands may be in sight but passing through the eye of the perimenopausal storm can be tough going.


With these simple tweaks you can help to ease the transition, ensuring a strong body and stable mind for the adventures ahead.


Balancing the blood sugars is absolutely vital for both regulating those emotions and preventing the steady creep of weight gain. Diet plays a large role so consider swapping out processed foods and grains for starchy vegetables like squash and high quality organic meat.


Switching up your exercise routine to prevent wear and tear and build muscle mass ensures optimal ageing.



Cultivating a sense of purpose by finding something that brings you joy and carving out time for it helps many women suffering from the emotional upheaval the menopause can bring. And if it’s not quite your time yet, really getting to know your menstrual cycle - when to push yourself and when to step back - will stand you in excellent stead for the future.

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    Mamma is a wonderfully curated booking platform for holistic practitioners and all of the people I have booked have been amazing. Everything is done with the most amount of love and support. I couldn’t recommended using this wonderful site highly enough! Colomba


    I’m so grateful to Mamma in guiding me through this next chapter in my life. It’s certainly what my world has been missing and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for teaching me how to be more open and connected. Raquel