1-on-1 Birth Course. Prepare for Birth and the Fourth Trimester with Deborah, with personal guidance, library access and workbooks.
A total of 5 hours + on-demand guidance in-between sessions. The hours are divided over 3 individual sessions and comes with additional videos to deepen your exploration at your leisure.
This is for you if...
- You're ready to reconnect to your innate power to birth and heal any past trauma, worries or mistrust between you & your body
- You're open to letting go of sticking to one birth plan and welcoming your body, baby and circumstance to take the lead instead (with your bag full of holistic tools for a positive outcome, of course!)
- You appreciate 1-on-1 guidance to personalise your journey, ask Deborah any questions and share your wishes or concerns with her in private
- You're interested in natural remedies, the power of nutrition, personalised self-care and either dynamic or deep meditation to promote physical and mental ease/relief
- You wish that your antenatal care wouldn't end with birth, but instead would continue to carry you through the fourth trimester and beyond
The Journey
- Private Session + 20-minute follow-up and personalised self-care protocol
- Bonus 1on1 if you go over your due date
- 4 x birth preparation recording
- 4 x fourth-trimester recording
- 1 x "Closing the Bones" tutorial
- 1 x bonus recording wk 41 & 42
6.5 hours of content
- 1 x prenatal journal "Conversation with Birthing Energy"
- 1 x postnatal journal with herbal formulas and nurturing postpartum recipes
- 8 x practice, worksheet or recipe by email (wk 32 - due date)
Your Curriculum
The Recordings
- Pre-labour: "Are these contractions?", things to do & natural remedies - 1 hour
- Easing labour with bodywork, movement & breath - 1 hour
- Botanicals & Aroma for each stage of labour - 45 minutes
- The Golden Hour: the first hour of your baby's life on Earth - 45 minutes
- First Foods: nutrition for your Dosha + each week of the Postpartum window - 1 hour
- Bodywork for each stage of healing during the Postpartum window - 1 hour
- Botanicals for common postnatal ailments - 45 minutes
- Ayurveda & Breastfeeding + Ayurveda & perineal healing - 1 hour