A beautiful weaving together of around half an hour of healing neck, shoulders and back massage and around 30 minutes of channelled sound medicine and shamanic healing from Faye who was was born a hollow bone and song and sound healing channel medicine woman and it is her joy to channel for you.
This is a deeply nourishing, relaxing and powerful offering that may shift energy blocks, stuck emotion, trauma and may realign energy, clear chakras and more.
The sound medicine may include channelled soul songs, vocals, singing bowls placed on the body, Native North American flute playing, drum healing and more. The sound massage intensifies the already healing, hands on massage.
The session is completely unique and tailored to you and may affect deep healing for people. You may need to be quiet for a little while after the session to assimilate the process.
Please note that there are contraindications to sound medicine therapy: pacemakers, women in their first trimester of pregnancy, sound induced epilepsy. If you have acute mental health issues, please disclose this in confidence before your session.