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Embrace Your Shadow Energy Session with Frankie Paz with Medicine Festival

• 75min • £90 • 1-1 Session • 15 - 19 Aug

Through connecting to the wisdom your body holds, you go on a journey of self- discovery.

In this safe space, using energy points on the body, modern psychology and visualisation, you can connect to emotions such as anxiety, sadness, anger, pain, grief, depression, addiction, flatness, feeling stuck (just to name a few).

Moving through the emotions and feelings stored in the body, it leads you to your subconscious/inner child, also known as the shadow. This helps you connect to the root of the emotion and then release what has been holding you back.

Through an embracing your shadow session you connect with your subconscious, which assists with understanding behavioural patterns and how certain events in your past are affecting your reality. With this new awareness you can change the vibration around it, which can bring more clarity, peace and create more freedom in your life.


In the event you wish to cancel your booking, Mamma will refund 50% of the fee up until August 11th.

After August 11th there are no refunds for cancellations.