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Healy Frequency Treatments with Natalia D'Onofrio Bianchini with Medicine Festival

• 20-80min • £30-£120 • 1-1 Session • 15 - 19 Aug

Is there an area of your life that feels out of balance?

With Healy, we have programmes of frequencies to support your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being. These treatments can help support you to come back into your unique alignment and vibrational blueprint.

Healy is a wearable frequency device that gives you quantum potential at your fingertips. Use frequencies to move energy in your body and in your biofield, to assist deep changes.

Discover the transformative effects of bringing frequency into your world.

Choose from a shorter session to get a taste for how Healy works in your biofield, or take a deeper dive and receive a full treatment.

More about Healy: 

    OFFER 1: 'Personalised Healy Energy Scan' : Identify physical, emotional, mental or spiritual imbalances that are present with you in the moment. Choose from a wide range of scan options; from Aura Scans to Gem Elixirs, Flower Remedies, I-Ching and more. PDF reading sent to you post treatment.  

    Session picture:

    • Explore with your practitioner the scan that feels right to you, from the Healy databases
    • Channel the process with your practitioner, connecting into your whole self: grounding into your physical body and opening up to the potentiality of your energetic body
    • Healy scans your information field and creates a personalised list of frequencies to harmonise you and bring you back into balance
    • Receive these frequencies via scalar waves as we sit together - there is the option to access the further skills of the practitioners where needed
    • There will be some time for processing and conversation within your session

    OFFER 2: 'Immersive Healy Treatment': 

    Why have a longer treatment? 

    Experience a deeper connection with the power of frequency healing. 
    Explore the full range of Healy devices, the possibilities and capabilities.
    Receive trauma informed support from diligent, experienced practitioners.

    Treatment options:

    • Healy programme analysis scan + delivery of the full Healy programme most in resonance with you in the moment via microcurrent or coil technology
    • Meridian whole body scan + personalised magnetic resonance programme from the MAG Healy
    • Coaching session & analysis scan + delivery of a full Healy programme to support you via microcurrent or coil technology and PDF reading sent to you
    • Aura reading & Chakra scan + delivery of a full Healy chakra programme via microcurrent or coil technology and PDF reading sent to you

    Session picture:

    • Choose a treatment option (above) that feels right for you. This can be done through your own intuition or via guidance and support from us.
    • Settle into a space of receiving. Natalia is an intuitive practitioner and can offer trauma-informed guided meditation, grounding practices, breathwork and reiki to centre you in your physical body and open up your energetic body to receive the frequencies from Healy. 
    • Receive frequencies via magnetic resonance, microcurrent, coil technology or scalar waves depending on the chosen programme and device. 
    • Healy uses specialised technology that reads your information field in real time and delivers only the frequencies that you need. In this way, each programme is unique and specific to you in the moment. 
    • There will be ample time for processing and conversation within this space. I am here to support you with what you need from your treatment session.

    About Natalia 

    Natalia is an experienced Healy practitioner, educator, entrepreneur, birth keeper and women’s health advocate, yoga and breathwork teacher and soooo passionate about ancestral foods. With 20+ years working in many different healing modalities, she now works intuitively with clients. Frequency tools are amazing for bringing agency and autonomy to each person’s experience and personal healing process. 

    More about Natalia:

    More about Healy: 

    Buying your own Healy for home or clinic use

    If you want to buy a Healy for your own personal use, Natalia can guide you through that process and offer you personal guidance with your set-up and usage.

    Get in touch or speak to Natalia or Gemma at the Healy tent after your session. 


    In the event you wish to cancel your booking, Mamma will refund 50% of the fee up until August 11th.

    After August 11th there are no refunds for cancellations.