The method which Martina applies during a sound therapy session has been studied and researched for more than 25 years by the British Academy of Sound therapy, called "the 5Rs method of experiential processing’ (5Rs for short).
This model enables you to improve your health and wellbeing by helping you to make sense of your experience at a deeper level. When we are interacting with situations, our environment and relationships we are often deeply and adversely affected by what happens – these outside influences have a very real impact on our health and wellbeing not to mention our lives and those around us.
The 5Rs is a very simple way of understanding how our outside world affects us and enables us to turn negative thoughts, feelings and emotions into positive ones. It also helps us to understand ourselves at a deeper level, enabling experiences from our past to be gently released so we can move on in a more positive way.
In a 1-2-1 session Martina listens to the client’s needs and then selects specific instruments and techniques to help with certain conditions, such as drum massage to help with muscle tension or uplifting sounds played on crystal bowls for mild depression for example.